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Hii Regions
Hii Regions

jeu. 15 sept.



Hii Regions

A sax/bass/drums trio with saxophonist Aaron Leaney, drummer Jahsun (Kalmunity) and bassist Nicolas Caloia

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Heure et lieu

15 sept. 2022, 21 h 30

Montréal, 5035 R. Saint-Denis, Montréal, QC H2J 2L9, Canada

À propos de l'événement

Formed during the summer of 2021, NEBULA coalesced during the loosening of Montreal's lockdown restrictions. Saxophonist Aaron Leaney, bassist Nicolas Caloia and drummer Jahsun Promesse, formed a collaborative collective to express their shared personal experiences. Never knowing when their last meeting would be, the music erupted spontaneously with raw passion, wailing fury and emotional release.

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